

Converts a bytes / hex string to a private key object (PrivateKey).

public hexToPrivateKey(hex: bytes): any {


Converts a private key (PrivateKey) to its bytes / hex string representation by serializing it.

public privateKeyToHex(pk: any): bytes {


Derives a private key represented as a PrivateKey object or a bytes/ hex string to a wallet private key using the given index. Uses hardened key derivation ('non-observable keys').

public masterSkToWalletSk(sk: any | string, index: number): any {


Derives a private key represented as a PrivateKey object or a bytes/ hex string to a wallet private key using the given index. Uses non-hardened key derivation ('observable keys').

public masterSkToWalletSkUnhardened(sk: any | string, index: number): any {


Converts a bytes / hex string to a public key object (G1Element).

public hexToPublicKey(hex: bytes): any {


Converts a public key (G1Element) to its bytes / hex string representation by serializing it.

public publicKeyToHex(pk: any): bytes {


Converts a public key (G1Element) to the wallet public key using the given index and unhardened derivation. The function name does not contain 'unhardened' since hardened derivation does not work for public keys.

public masterPkToWalletPk(pk: any | string, index: number): any {



Converts a bytes / hex string of length 16, 20, 24, 28 or 32 to a mnemonic.

public static bytesToMnemonic(mnemonicBytes: bytes): string {


Converts a mnemonic to a bytes / hex string of length 16, 20, 24, 28 or 32.

public static bytesFromMnemonic(mnemonicStr: string): bytes {


Converts a mnemonic and a passphrase to a seed that can be used to generate private keys. Follows the BIP39 standard.

public static mnemonicToSeed(mnemonic: string, passphrase: string) {


Calculates the master private key from a mnemonic and an optional passphrase.

public static privateKeyFromMnemonic(mnemonic: string, passphrase?: string): any {


Exposes the following functions:

public static masterSkToFarmerSk(master: any): any {
public static masterSkToPoolSk(master: any): any {
public static masterSkToWalletSk(master: any, index: number): any {
public static masterSkToWalletSkUnhardened(master: any, index: number): any {
public static masterSkToLocalSk(master: any): any {
public static masterSkToBackupSk(master: any): any {
public static masterSkToSingletonOwnerSk(master: any, poolWalletIndex: number): any {
public static masterSkToPoolingAuthenticationSk(master: any, poolWalletIndex: number, index: number): any {
public static masterPkToWalletPkUnhardened(master: any, index: number): any {


Exposes the following functions:

private static calculateSyntheticOffset(publicKey: any, hiddenPuzzleHash: bytes): BigNumber {
public static calculateSyntheticSecretKey(secretKey: any, hiddenPuzzleHash: bytes = Util.sexp.DEFAULT_HIDDEN_PUZZLE_HASH): any {